Work Experience

General Information
I'm an undergradute student of the National and Kapodistrian University in Athens. Specially, I'm studying in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications. Except my programming skills, I also:
- Have a Certificate of level C2 (Proficiency), in English
- Have a Certificate of level B1 (Sorbonne), in French
- My native language is Greek
Programming skills
Below are listed programming languages, frameworks and technologies I have learned through work experience, university's lessons, online courses, mini-projects and many hours of exercise.
University's Courses
Here are some of the courses I have taken in my University and I have learned the most out of them. Except of the following courses, I have passed all of my year's courses.
- Discrete Mathematics
- Introduction to Programming (learning C and basic algorithmics)
- Logic Design
- Computer Architecture I (learning Assembly and MIPS architecture)
- Data Structures
- Signals and Systems (learning Matlab)
- Object-Oriented Programming (learning C++ and Java)
- Algorithms and Complexity
- Communication Networs I
- Design and Use of Database Systems (learning SQL)
Personal Projects
Programming language: Html, css, JavaScript
One of my colleagues and I came up with this project, so we could help the first-year students of our university. We implemented the site and published it.
Website GitHub's RepositoryBlog-in
Implemented in WordPress
I wanted to upload some scientific articles and movie suggestions, so I created this site to publish articles, my friends and I have written.
WebsiteData Structures
Programming language: C
University's project about data structures in C language. We have implemented all of the known data structures.
GitHub's RepositoryFight-Game
Programming language: C++
Project for university's course. One of my colleagues and I had to implement a console-game with heroes and monsters, to simulate fights.
GitHub's RepositoryContosoCrafts
Programming language: ASP.NET Core
Simple ASP.NET Core web application, hosted on Microsoft Azure.
Website GitHub's RepositorySchool Simulation
Programming language: Java
Project to understand better the principles of Object Oriented Programming. We had to organise a school in students, teachers, classes etc.
GitHub's RepositoryContact-Book
Programming language: Python
One mini-project to use OOP principles in a console-app. The main purpose of this project is to save, modify and delete, new or existing, contacts in your PC. (basic CRUD operations, in optimal complexity)
GitHub's Repository